Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I donn't make missteaks (Apology for lack of an Editor)

This is one of those slightly apologetic posts that I feel obligated to do once in a while.

Rather than rant and rave about stuff and make a really long winded speech I decided just to itemize and offer brief comments to answer the comments I have recieved lately. (That means within the last 5 years, I am not that current.)

1. I find your blog offensive because of this certain article..blah blah. I have pretty much figured out that I can never make everyone happy, and sometimes I can't make anyone happy. Don't worry I am used to it, I hope I can get you used to me too. So please if I say something that makes you fuming mad and desire to have me hunted down and beaten I just ask you to check back the next day. I write new stuff almost daily (hopefully) and I might be able to redeem myself.

2. Your Grammar and Spelling is very Unprofessional. Actually so am I, but that's beside the point. The truth is I either had to fire the editor or give up caffeine because of my budget, so the editor had to go.
I do actually have spell check and a grammar checker, but I hardly ever use it. I will admit that my English teachers would not claim me unless I became a best selling international author. I rarely run checker programs, I don't do multiple drafts for a blog entry on "How I like Oreo cookies," and I was threatened bodily harm if I wake them up at 4 am so they can read my Blog and check it for mistakes.
Speaking of 4 am, thats another reason why my blog usually can be tried for "crimes against humanity." Let's see how well you can write about an hour before you go to sleep and drinking Sleepytime tea.
I do apologize for those of you that might get this on feed to your email. (Lord knows why anyone would do that.) Because I usually edit and change my post slightly a few times after I read it, and it might send you an update everytime I mix up "to" with "too". I hope that my mistakes aren't so glaring that they distract you.
And finally you may have noticed that I try really hard to make this readable to people of different levels of education and sensitivities. So I avoid using the "F" bomb, colorful ways of saying excrement, and other lovely substitutions for polite speech. This isn't because I am overly sensitive really, it's because I want to have something that you can normally read without having to be embarrassed. Besides if one says such things too often it really cheapens your writing.
I don't think I can cheapen it too much more, otherwise I will have to do a bluelight special.
In the past I didn't have a problem with using profanity a lot more because I didn't care if you read this or not, but really I have become a hack now. Well scratch that, a hack get's paid. The point is, what is the point of publishing it on the computer if I didn't want you to read it. If I was doing this all for just me I would write it in a journal and never let anyone read it, like that guy that was in my English class with the eye liner that was a poet but he worked at Taco Bell on the side.

Ok This is getting too long (Trying not to do that too) so quick quick wrap up. Yes you can link to this site, I would be honored, unless you have a website called "Blogs that really stink.com." I do link to other sites, though a little more rarely. You can email me at Mynameisjanus@yahoo.com and its on my profile page. No I don't make Balloon animals, my giraffe looks like a poodle that Bob Barker tried to neuter blindfolded. Yes, I really did say quick wrap up...in fact this article is over now.

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Blogger Janus Torrell said...

be sure you don't tell that to the very French Jean David Nau, aka L'Ollonais one of the most brutal and infamous raiders of the South American coast.

He is not as famous as he is infamous and showed no mercy to anyone, and was killed by Cannibal natives outside of Cartagena.

Seriously though...I tried that Gwwwpppfffrt thing, and someone offered me pepto bismo.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

I am startint to worry. Am I writing this blog, and unaware?

6:36 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

No, seriously. Don't get up. But I am afraid that even I did not get that last post of mine, which happens sometimes. Let me try this time to be more civil; more erudite; more sober...more...more.

You write the same crazy stuff I think. I can tell you type much faster.

Now I really hate admitting this next part: the wife and I sat here this evening, reading and laughing together. What is the world coming to?

I would email you if I were ready to recieve another 300 replies from Nigeria, telling me how excited I will become shortly, but I see it is now time for another nap.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

hmm perhaps I do have another personality named Harry, that would explain all that waking up suddenly in a different place. At least that is what I can tell the police

Don't worry I don't sell anyone's info to people in Nigeria, I still haven't forgiven them for not sending me the 10 million dollars that they said I would inherit if I just gave them my account info.

you won't believe this..but people on the internet sometimes lie. Someone better tell my parents. I might have to blog that someday..but it will probably get shoved to the back of the line like everything else.

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you back and in fine blogging form.

I can't blame you for choosing caffeine over an editor. I have been known to choose caffeine over electricity and running water.

I still don't know who Miss Teaks is though...

4:25 AM  
Blogger Wyrfu said...

Miss Teaks? Darn, I thought that was My Steaks and we were getting a free lunch...

4:48 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Miss Teaks is the secretary that made me dinner..so thus both of them are gone and my writing has gone down the drain.

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's strange. I thought you were talking about the weather.

Misst? Eek!


11:23 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

I am beginning to see why I should use spell and grammar check more. Some people don't think I am talking about Ms. Teek the steak cooking weather girl

5:15 AM  

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