Sunday, October 29, 2006

Groom by ah my Lord, Groom by ah!

The title is spelled badly on purpose, so Nick from Cedar Rapids that always emails me to tell me such things can just not even bother writing me. Don't make me have to go over there buddy.

Sorry,no part four today, I was not home that much and when I was home I didn't have a chance to type til tonight. I am aware that some would rather hear about my Janus journey than get wedding updates including me, but bear with me again.

I am winding down to go to bed. I am meeting with Karl, Jose, Manny, and Tony or any combination of those four depending on time constraints this Wednesday. Our meeting will be to discuss a few things

1. Do we wear uncomfortable barely matching suits or do we dress like Antartica waterfowl with a form of neck tie. We got our colors that the women are allowing us to wear. Dark blue, silver, white. (Well that's our vest colors, of course we will wear the traditional "but not by the book apparently" traditional black...something about only wearing black after 6pm.)
We got to take it from there. We can't get anything though until Bella gets the dresses for the ladies, since we got to make sure we match and aren't allowed to outdress the ladies...which if you ever look at not a problem usually.

2. When we will start Bachelor party and have the rehearsals for that. Originally when the date was next October we were hoping to have at least 12 rehearsals but now we must simply cram. Bring on the shot glasses, this is going to be a crazy few months.

3. Karl has a whole 2 months to write a toast that will show me in the best light as possible or that the other three groomsman are obligated to take him out behind the chapel and beat him into a coma. He has to give the toast, it's in the law somewhere between Thou shall not Murder and three cars go through the intersection when the light turns yellow.

4. We are figuring out who needs to get tuxes if we are getting tuxes, and who is allowed to be more comfortable. Our keyboard player is allowed to be comfortable because well...he needs to be able to play music and that is hard enough to do without a stiff itchy "March of the Penguins" Halloween costume, that and he has a size that would be hard to find for rental and we don't expect anyone to buy anything.
Ringbearer is too young and little ,so the little hobbit gets out of it.
Photographer is spared because he is 3 hours away from the tux place that we are going to and also needs use of his hands. If he is insane enough to want to rent a tux, he will be invited to the real fitting.
My dad may get to wear a tux if he wants to for photos and stuff...and Bella's dad will be wearing a Tux since he gets to walk her down the aisle, so you all can at least pity for him.

5. We are going to have something to eat. That part we look forward to, and I hang out with Karl and whoever shows up while Bella gets dragged to wedding shops by my sister Caroline. Maybe we will have steak. Yeah...that's the ticket.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there is Karl, Jose, Manny, Tony, Janus, Janu's dad, Bella's dad.

2 of you could wear dark blue tuxes, 2, could wear silver tuxes, 2 could wear white tuxes, 1 one could wear black tux. How does that sound?

Just kidding. Hope your batchelor party goes fine.


9:12 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Hmm I will take it into consideration :P actually I wear a slightly different one, and the Grooms wear kind of the same, and I don't know about dad's. I also got two ushers they wear a different one too.

3:47 PM  

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