Saturday, October 28, 2006

A day around town

Well yesterday went pretty good.
My sister came out and met with me and Bella and we headed out to look at the hall. It wasn't bad, though a bit more expensive than we wanted for what we were getting. So today Bella is looking at another place while I am apparently home taking it easy for a bit (and cleaning ahem), and if she finds a better place than we'll take it otherwise this one is pretty much there for us. Got a nice place for the service also, just got to sign paperwork. My blood pressure dropped a good deal by mid afternoon yesterday.
Bella had to go to work, so that left me and my sister Caroline to hang out for a bit. Surprisingly we ended up just kind of hanging out for a few hours. Caroline were really close when I was little, but later she become my obnoxiously bossy and opinionated sister. Now we are becoming friends again as well siblings after years of a little feuding.
After she went to Macy's and bought herself a new purse, which I found quite expensive and not really interesting, we decided to go grab some lunch. So I took her to Naperville and we went to the Mongolian BBQ place where you pick your own meat and veggies and they stir fry it for you. Now the Mongolian BBQ place has a special memory with me, since that is where Bella and I went on our first date. So I tend to take my friends and family there at least once when they visit the first time to show them the place.
After that she wanted to go looking around Naperville, and since she had the day off and never been there before we started walking around. I showed her Renovation Hardware which is my favorite store to window shop. The reason for that is that it is not a typical hardware store, full of nails and power tools and the like. It has furniture, and custom fittings, and stuff that I dream about in my own house someday. It's where I go to dream, I like to look there at curtains and coffee tables and think about how it will look in the house I have some day.
Caroline was surprised I liked to look at these things because I never did before. That's because before I wasn't looking seriously at spending my life with anyone else at the time and when we last went shopping together I lived at home 15 years ago. I was busy with high school and lived with my parents, why on earth would I look at bathroom tiles? I didn't used to have an opinion of what I would like in the house for decor, but now in the last year or so I really have started finding what I like and don't like.
After that she went to the specialty pet store and bought alot of stuff for her four mini poodles and a few things for Sammy (my dog, not her husband.) Then we went to Starbucks, a place I have only gone to about 3 times in my life and she got me a decaf apple drink with whipped cream and caramel in it that tasted like a liquid Carmel apple. Then she went into an antique store and ended up getting some gifts for Christmas for the family.
When we went back to my house I showed her the rings that Bella and I were going to have at the wedding, and told her about a problem I had fixing my shower walls. She volunteered by brother in law Tony (Who used to be a landlord of several propertys, and knows how to do alot of repaur work) to fix my bathroom up a bit. This sounds mean if you didn't know my brother Tony, he likes to hang out with me anyway and well...he's got his wife and two daughters at home, so if Caroline gives him a reason to get out of the house for a day he is usually happy to take it some days.
So great day altogether yesterday, and the Cardinals won. Not that I am a Cardinals fan really myself, but Telly the man I take care of is. If he is happy, it makes me a great deal happier. Also Karl can finally gloat a little, since he has been waiting for them to win since he has been watching them as a kid. If it can't happen for my Cubs, than I am glad it happens to the Cardinals.
Talk to you later.

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Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Raf posted here but for some reason its not showing up yet...yeah my sister really shouldn't buy me lots of candy. But she enjoyed it. I got some fudge on our spree for me

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a really good day yesterday. Busy, but good.

I hope Bella can find the perfect hall for your wedding.:)

It's nice that you are getting close to your sister again. Did you buy anything nice (apart from candy) when you were shopping together?


4:53 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Tony: Red flag, red flag!

Just kidding. Or am I?


5:39 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

There is something both annoying and reassuring in the fact that siblings know you better than anyone ever will, including your (future) spouse.

KILZ works wonders in bathrooms. Just remember to vent the room, during.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Poor poor Tony, that's why I am the nice brother in law that asks him after his dear wife books him for things. Tony and I been buddies since before he married Caroline.

I need KILZ thank you, got to do ceilings too. This place has got to get all spiffied up eventually

Thanks for coming by Harry.

Frodo...I didn't buy jack squat that afternoon, but Caroline was on a bit of a spree. I came home with fudge, a full belly from dinner, and a starbucks drink and a toy for Sammy which she already ate and spun around til it ran out of stuffing.

well it lasted a day at least...
thanks for coming by.

11:07 PM  

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