Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Janus the liar tells you about his first day of work a little.

Don't worry I just called myself a liar because I said I wouldn't be here today. So forgive me, but I ended up coming home for lunch before a night of stuff to do.
Besides being very tired and having a small headache (3 hours of sleep...ack) I had a great day. Telly and I get along just fine, and he is a man of routine and I like that. Since it makes things fairly stable and predictable and I don't wonder what I have to do. He is also pretty self sufficient and I am there to be an extra set of hands and to make sure he has balance.
So there, all of you who were praying and curious about my day. Janus lives. Now if I can only adapt to this strange thing that you mortals call...Morning.

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Blogger Harry said...

Morning hints: Don't stare at the bright orb up in the sky.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you survived your first day? Glad to hear it Janus. :)

Dunno what this 'morning' thing is though.


7:03 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

lol thanks everyone...it feels like 2 in the morning now, and its only 6:15...I have to get used to this

6:22 PM  

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