I told you I was going to talk about Alpha one of these days.
(puts up his little soapbox next to the computer desk.)
A few things before I talk about Alpha today. I apologize in advance because I am taking a break from my testimony like I normally would but instead of something "completely different" I am going to talk to you about the Alpha Course today. I have been wanting to tell you about it for a while, but that new job thing kind of sidetracked me. So I am violating my rule of generally trying to stay with one step at a time with testimonys and taking an intermission, because I decided not to long ago to violate one of my other blog rules.
That rule is I never blog about anything that I care about too much. If you can't tell since I am talking about my new job, my engagement, and my faith that I have generally shot that rule to utter hell. So I am not talking about Alpha to make a commerical plug, I am talking about something that I truly care about and that I think you would like too if you have not experienced it.
My last note is that I have new link for you all today to be added to the little list I have already. Some of you reading the comments may have noticed some from my friend Lorinda who is one of my friends from church. She has a blog that has some pretty good reading and when she is not slamming herself with too much volunteering she is a regular update. So click over on the link "Redhead Ramblings (Lorinda)" sometime and check out her..well her ramblings and also some of her knitting work which is quite good.
With that, now I would like to tell you about this Alpha Course. First of all it has nothing to do with any kind of marathon racing. So don't worry, I am not asking anyone to run. This is from the guy that gets winded getting his Hostess Cupcakes at the back of the bakery section.
The Alpha Course is a course you take that teaches you the basics about Christianity in a practical and comfortable fashion. It is for those seeking to learn about Christianity that are not Christians, it's for New Christians, Newcomers at the church, and those that want to brush up on the basics. So in my very biased point of view of course, I think that everyone should go to an Alpha course. Don't worry though, I am not paid to express that so you can hear why.
I have believed in Jesus being the way for me to get into heaven since I was 12 years old, I didn't understand what I was doing back then but I did know that this was the way. Only recently could I say that I began to understand and to live like I did what he taught. See I did not understand it, nor did I ask that many questions. I thought I got it pretty well. Well I learned almost 18 years later that I didn't have it pretty well down, not by a long shot.
Through years of false starts, running the race on the wrong track, and getting told by people that I thought knew better directions to a race in the wrong town... I made alot of mistakes. I learned alot of things that I am hearing from Alpha on my own recently before signing up after years of frustration and wrong turns. If you are seeking and want to learn I would hope and pray that you would consider Alpha over the mistakes I made. It is a friendly and safe place to learn, and anything I could tell you that would spare another from the grevious setbacks and frustration I had is worth sharing to you. I can't keep you from all pain and suffering and wasting of time, but I hope that someone can be spared a little of it from what I messed up.
So...that's why I endorse it. I honestly feel that it could benefit anyone and everyone and that is from my own not even close to biased view.
We get together and we have a meal and talk to each other all casual like. Then we watch a video together, which goes fast and is not nearly as long as it sounds and it sure beats reading a book in a circle when you are trying to learn together quickly, then we have dessert together (last week was Apple Crisp...yummy.) Then we gather in our small groups and we discuss what we learned together. Time flies, you get fed, you learn alot, and you make new friends. Not bad eh?
This is my first time of taking the Alpha Course, though some of us have taken it 2, 3, or even 4 times. Reason is they make more friends each time, and they always learn something new no matter how often they take it. I did take what we have dubbed "Alpha 2" which was a study and very similar to the Alpha course I took now. That's where I met some of my good friends including my buddy Rob who is the other half of my small group. Rob is probably going to read this since he has me on his feeder, though he might not comment since the feeder doesn't do that. But I am going to say hi to him anyway. HEY ROB, LOOK AT ME..I'M ON TV. There, I had to do that.
So you can learn more about Alpha from this lovely link. Quit staring at my words and click this.
I hope you enjoy it, they have a directory for every church in every country that they have registered and you can find one near you if you want. So maybe if you think this might sound good to ya and I hope it does you can find out where to go to one. Thanks for dropping by.
A few things before I talk about Alpha today. I apologize in advance because I am taking a break from my testimony like I normally would but instead of something "completely different" I am going to talk to you about the Alpha Course today. I have been wanting to tell you about it for a while, but that new job thing kind of sidetracked me. So I am violating my rule of generally trying to stay with one step at a time with testimonys and taking an intermission, because I decided not to long ago to violate one of my other blog rules.
That rule is I never blog about anything that I care about too much. If you can't tell since I am talking about my new job, my engagement, and my faith that I have generally shot that rule to utter hell. So I am not talking about Alpha to make a commerical plug, I am talking about something that I truly care about and that I think you would like too if you have not experienced it.
My last note is that I have new link for you all today to be added to the little list I have already. Some of you reading the comments may have noticed some from my friend Lorinda who is one of my friends from church. She has a blog that has some pretty good reading and when she is not slamming herself with too much volunteering she is a regular update. So click over on the link "Redhead Ramblings (Lorinda)" sometime and check out her..well her ramblings and also some of her knitting work which is quite good.
With that, now I would like to tell you about this Alpha Course. First of all it has nothing to do with any kind of marathon racing. So don't worry, I am not asking anyone to run. This is from the guy that gets winded getting his Hostess Cupcakes at the back of the bakery section.
The Alpha Course is a course you take that teaches you the basics about Christianity in a practical and comfortable fashion. It is for those seeking to learn about Christianity that are not Christians, it's for New Christians, Newcomers at the church, and those that want to brush up on the basics. So in my very biased point of view of course, I think that everyone should go to an Alpha course. Don't worry though, I am not paid to express that so you can hear why.
I have believed in Jesus being the way for me to get into heaven since I was 12 years old, I didn't understand what I was doing back then but I did know that this was the way. Only recently could I say that I began to understand and to live like I did what he taught. See I did not understand it, nor did I ask that many questions. I thought I got it pretty well. Well I learned almost 18 years later that I didn't have it pretty well down, not by a long shot.
Through years of false starts, running the race on the wrong track, and getting told by people that I thought knew better directions to a race in the wrong town... I made alot of mistakes. I learned alot of things that I am hearing from Alpha on my own recently before signing up after years of frustration and wrong turns. If you are seeking and want to learn I would hope and pray that you would consider Alpha over the mistakes I made. It is a friendly and safe place to learn, and anything I could tell you that would spare another from the grevious setbacks and frustration I had is worth sharing to you. I can't keep you from all pain and suffering and wasting of time, but I hope that someone can be spared a little of it from what I messed up.
So...that's why I endorse it. I honestly feel that it could benefit anyone and everyone and that is from my own not even close to biased view.
We get together and we have a meal and talk to each other all casual like. Then we watch a video together, which goes fast and is not nearly as long as it sounds and it sure beats reading a book in a circle when you are trying to learn together quickly, then we have dessert together (last week was Apple Crisp...yummy.) Then we gather in our small groups and we discuss what we learned together. Time flies, you get fed, you learn alot, and you make new friends. Not bad eh?
This is my first time of taking the Alpha Course, though some of us have taken it 2, 3, or even 4 times. Reason is they make more friends each time, and they always learn something new no matter how often they take it. I did take what we have dubbed "Alpha 2" which was a study and very similar to the Alpha course I took now. That's where I met some of my good friends including my buddy Rob who is the other half of my small group. Rob is probably going to read this since he has me on his feeder, though he might not comment since the feeder doesn't do that. But I am going to say hi to him anyway. HEY ROB, LOOK AT ME..I'M ON TV. There, I had to do that.
So you can learn more about Alpha from this lovely link. Quit staring at my words and click this.
I hope you enjoy it, they have a directory for every church in every country that they have registered and you can find one near you if you want. So maybe if you think this might sound good to ya and I hope it does you can find out where to go to one. Thanks for dropping by.
It seems like a nice way to learn about christianity. A nice, relaxed atmosphere, and you can ask questions without being afraid. :)
You betcha, and don't forget the food Frodo...the food is great. Especially since I don't have to make it.
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