Thursday, November 09, 2006

Might be out for a day or three...Sammy earns her rent.

The blog is having a few technical issues over the next few days, so be patient as...well I don't exactly know what the blogger folks are up to, as soon as they know I guess. I am also going to be done for personal and work related reasons for a few days, I am working a few extra nights this week and have a wedding this Saturday. (No...not mine.)
So I might pop in and talk here for a little, but not going to be writing anything too huge. Sorry for those of you following along with multiple part series and stuff. This will be a pretty busy Wurzday and Fraturday, and not so sure about Sunday. Don't worry though I will drop in and say hello, and once I have a few things taken care of it will let me concentrate while I am here.
Last week while we were doing some cleaning, we found the tell tale signs of a rodent intruder. We didn't set traps or anything, but I was going to clean out under the sink and lay the traps then. I have since kind of pushed it to the backburner.
Last night I came home from my Alpha Course, and Sammy (My dog) was sitting proudly on the floor next to a dead mouse. She didn't make a big mess, she just did what terriers do. She caught it, and killed it, and made sure I found it.
"Sammy, did you kill that mouse?" I said a little louder than I meant. She stopped wagging her tail and put it between her legs for a minute because she thought I was angry. "That's a GOOD dog," I added and petted her head and gave her a treat. Then she realized that she did the right thing and wagged her tail so fast I was worried it might fall off.
I was so proud of my little dog catching her first mouse ever, that I called Bella at work to tell her the news. So when Bella saw Sammy, she gave her special pets for a job well done. Sammy has been proud of herself and basking on her glory as a rodent catching terrier since last night, and after over eight years of chasing chipmunks and squirrels in the yard without prevail, I think she is walking on Cloud 9 (the one with milkbones.)
Now I have to head in to work, but thanks for coming by and visit. I still hope to give little updates over this weekend, so please drop by once in a while. Will talk to you later.


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Blogger Harry said...

Sammy, come here. Sit.

Buddy, get your butt over here, too. Good dog. Now, you sit still and listen up.

Sammy, tell Buddy how you caught a mouse.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one, Sammy!!!

She must be so proud of herself, catching a mouse. Who needs traps when you have Sammy?

Frodo :)

4:01 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

I don't know if Sammy is the best for sharing secrets Harry shes got a 1/10000 capture rate. Normally the squirrels and chipmunks just laugh at her.

Well I might not need traps after all Frodo, time will tell.

1:55 PM  

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