Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Meewsday,

Tuesday every week I get up at the crackish of dawn time, and then I am gone pretty much until 9 pm so I occasionally combine Monday and Tuesday postings at the same time. Thus I have invented my new day, Meewsday sometimes I have the same problem with Wednesday night/ I will call them Wursdays.
Tomorrow (or today depending) is election day at least for the U.S. readers. I am looking forward to not getting anymore recording phone messages from people running for office, party committees, and people not running for office that feel they should call me to tell me about how evil the other political party is. Other than saying that I got a call from The Terminator, I have been as good of a sport about this annoying telemarketing recording thing as I can.
Last night at work, Telly answered the phone when he came back from watching Wheel of Fortune. He tried to talk to some lady, but she wouldn't shut up so in frustration he handed me the telephone. I found out it was a recording of Laura Bush, so I tried not to laugh and told Telly that it was a recording of the presidents wife. He just gave me an annoyed and puzzled look and told me to "Tell her to go to hell!" So I did, though I don't think the tape recording felt it, but it seemed to make Telly feel better. Some nights I really love working for Telly.
It may shock you, but once I was a politican. That's right I was a candidate for "Road and Public Works Commissioner of Bouncanville." (That means I would fill in potholes with gravel, and complain that I need more road salt.) I am proud to say that I was in 3rd place out of 4th, and I really did not know what to do if people took me seriously and voted for me. The best part is I really didn't run.
We thought it would be funny to get me campaign signs and pins back in those days. I had such great signs like "Vote for Janus Torrell for public works commissioner, he will fix the sewers" and "When you think of raw sewage and road construction, think of Janus Torrell." friends of mine put the signs up in their front yards, I had a political rally and BBQ at the tavern on all "make your own taco night", and I loved it when people stole one of my signs to hang up and show their kids someday. My former school guidance counseller was gone for his vacation, so we put about 20 various signs in his front yard. My signs got stolen even more so than the guy that had posters that said "Tough on crime," which was just begging for people to steal the sign just to see how tough he was.
I of course was not on the ballot since I didn't really run, but a few of my friends said they would vote for me anyway because we had a place to write in votes back then. The result was 108 for Orville Irons, 73 for Salavator Welsh, 32 votes for me, and 11 for Mickey Mouse who always got a lot of write in votes. I was kind of impressed since I stole at least 20 votes from Mickey Mouse who normally had better voter turn out. I knew 12 people that voted for me, which made me wonder who these other 20 poor sad sad folks were that thought I was worth writing in.
They didn't ask me or Mickey mouse to give a concession speech, but we had a nice party anyway. This is why you don't vote based on name recognition otherwise you might get a young college guy who is just bored or a talking mouse with shorts and white gloves. See ya sometime on Wurzday.

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Blogger Harry said...

Say, you seem to know the right way to put fun back into (dysfunctional) politics.

Now all we have to do is watch out for Osama Alabama (from the great state of Ill Annoy).

I think I spelled that right.

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready for all the

'I'm very sorry you didn't vote for me - I could have done things so much better than my opponent'

phone messages from who-ever did not win!

Frodo :)

3:11 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Harry, I can't spell or say big words, thats why I think I would be a great leader.

Frodo, if they do that I am afraid I will have to start calling them with recording messages.

Lorinda, I think Goofy would be a great Senator. Gawrsh, I don't recall that.

10:05 PM  

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