Janus and the Pig

Yes, it is a rare Photo blog. Woohoo. Normally I would be worried about privacy, but fear not my dog signed a waver.
A few years ago I came back from a dismal failure of a life away from my family. I went out arrogant and came back broken. Returning home was one of the hardest things to do in my life. Admitting I failed and having to see the people that knew what I was like before was difficult for me.
I returned to my parents home, defeated and uncertain where my life would take me. My old bedroom in the past year in a half turned into a storage room. They managed to move my mom's quilting stuff so that I had a room to sleep in. I came back very shaken, frightened, and even ill.
I hadn't seen Sammy for years. Sammy used to be my brother's dog, which he bought to try to curb the biological clock of his wife back then. Hmm...I don't want kids yet...how about a dog? It seemed easier at the time.
The problem is Sammy is more like me than like my brother Ed. She is very hyper active, needs a lot of attention, and doesn't like things too quiet. Soon he found that having a dog wasn't quite the peaceful resolution that he wanted. He is more of a fish type of person. One day he went on a vacation and left the dog with my sister, and didn't come back for months.
So thus Sammy became Caroline and Tony's dog for a while. My sister is more patient than Ed, but Sammy is a walking health code violation. (see picture above...yes that is her natural hair.) My sister either had to find a way to inject Benedril into herself 24/7 or find another permanant home for Sammy. So Sammy then went to my parents.
Sammy had been there for about a month when I returned home with my own tail between my legs. She greeted me with loud squeaks and squeals that made my parents cover their ears. Sammy loves people, you could wear a hockey mask and have a bloody knife in your hand and she would come up and wag her tail.
First night back, and I naturally couldn't sleep well. I went straight to the bedroom/former quilting room. I had got into bed and was trying not to think about how bad things were, when I heard some whining at my door.
I opened the door and Sammy walked in wagging her tail. She jumped on my bed, and gave me her "I'm over here" snort. I went back to bed, and decided I could use the company. When I lay down and my eyes began to feel wet, the dog put her paws on my chest and started licking away at tears. That night she laid next to me on the other pillow and slept close. She helped ease me into sleep.
If you are wondering why I call her "the pig" it is not because of her eating habits, though she sure does eat like one.
Sammy talks. She snorts to announce her presence, when she wants me to lay down, when she wants me to give her food that I am cooking. Many a time when I am cooking porkchops I will hear a snort at my feet from a hopeful Jack Russell Terrier. Her most interesting snort is when she laughs when I say something sarcastic. (She responds to my tone of voice..and she is my personal laugh track..no foolin'.)
After a little while of us being together I made this little dog a promise.
"You and I have lost our home and our identity haven't we"
Sammy cocked her head.
"Well, you and I are going to stick together. Where I go, you go. You can stay with me, and we can wander together. what do you say?"
She wagged her tail and gave me an affirmative snort.
When I met my wife I made sure she got to know my dog. "I hope you like dogs, because this one comes with me. We are a package deal." I made my promise to Sammy and I intended to keep her.
She loves my dog. Sammy likes everyone, but she loves Bella.
A few years later I was sitting around considering where my life was going and I asked Sammy what she thought about asking Bella to be part of our family.
She wagged her tail.
"Think she would be a good mom for you?" I asked.
She lifted her ears and snorted an affirmative.
"Me too."
Now speaking of Bella, I better go and make dinner, she should be home soon. Thanks for coming by.
Labels: family, photo entry, rants
Sammy is just adorable, and her little snorts sound so cute. I wanna tickle her ears. lol. :)
It seems like you and her were destined to be together. It must have been so hard for you to go back home, and I'm so sorry you were frightened and ill. Sammy came to you that first night and tried to comfort you, and you have been with her ever since.
Take care Janus
Frodo :)
Janus - Nothing like a pet to know when you're hurting, my Cody is like that. Although right now, he knows something is wrong and isn't coming near me.
As for coming home broken, I think we have a lot more in common than you realize. I've gone down that road before. When you land from that kind of fall it knocks the wind out of you for some time.
But it does teach you a lesson about humility and humbleness.
- Neo
Frodo, believe me Sammy would love an ear tickle. Yep We became part of the package deal. Sometime on messenger I will have to show you the Sammy collection. Shes not just a pig...shes a ham with the camera.
Neo, humility is not one of my strong suits either, I think whenever I start feeling humble something comes along to show me that I am not yet.
Don't worry about Cody, he will come back around. I have had many dogs and cats and the thing about cats is...they don't come around as often as dogs usually..but when they do, they do it well.
Sammy doesn't know when to give me space, so its a bit of a trade off.
Janus - I hear ya...
Cody finally went back to laying on the bed. And he did let me pick him up a few times today. Maybe he's coming around like you said.
The only dog I had any close contact with belonged to a friend who took me in when life fell apart for me.
Scraps he was named for the things he ate and the scraps with other dogs he kept having.
He knew when I was low and would sleep on my bed, his gentle snoring would lull me to sleep. He too would dry my tears.
May you, all three, live long and prosper.
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