Monday, February 12, 2007

Janus gets graded

Today I talked to the doctor about my test results, and I am doing good for the most part.
I found out that I was low on good cholesterol. I didn’t even know “good” cholesterol existed. I just thought they said “Lowers bad cholesterol” on products to re-enforce that cholesterol is just so bad that it needs an extra adjective. You know like the “Evil” Death Star or the “Vile” Devil.
You figure they really want you to know that the Death Star is evil, not that they are making sure you don’t confuse it with the Galactic Empire’s “Good” Death Star which feeds starving children and instead of having a laser it showers people with Kool-aid.
“Look out it’s the....oh never mind that’s the good bad...everyone back to work.”
My blood sugar is borderlineish, so I am not diabetic, but I am pushing my luck with my current health. This is not good news to me and frightens me considerably more than my good cholesterol is feeling lonely.
My Dad is a diabetic and besides getting his belly and his facial features, I tend to inherit all of his health problems. Acid Reflux...check. Hyper Metabolism...check.. So I am avoiding the Diabetes and the cancer as best as I can.
Besides I am afraid of having to poke my much as that sounds like a sissy. I can handle three big needles in the arm, but I can’t stand little finger pricks. (I can look away when other people give me a shot, that makes me able to do it.) I didn’t learn how to draw blood in school because I have a problem inflicting pain on someone, and that includes myself.
Everything else came back great besides that.
The doctor didn’t just tell me what is wrong, but gave me some guidelines to improve by my physical next year. That was nice of her. Of course that is probably what all doctors do, it’s been a while since I had a check up so I probably forgot about the test result call. That or Mom took it and just told me what to do back then.
I need to eat more red grapes (I can do that), white fish (as opposed to Salmon and I probably shouldn’t eat any fish that looks green), more fiber (doesn’t everyone need that), and oatmeal.
I like all those foods so I won’t complain, though they aren’t my first choice usually. I never wake up and go...mmm I could go for a big bowl of oatmeal today, put the eggs and sausage away!
As for the fish, I can eat more of it really. I feel bad for my wife though, because she doesn’t hate it, but she doesn’t really beg for it either. Kind of like me. Though I should say that I am a quarter Norwegian and fish is great for you if cooked properly. The men in my family that didn’t die from boating accidents in Norway usually live to the 90's-105ish range. They consist mostly on whitefish, since hamburger over there is about the same price as Angus steak at a restaurant here. I like fish too, I just hope my wife can live with me having it more often. (Since I am going to be the one that has to cook it :).)
Besides that it was “Do more exercise.” Which is what doctors always say. I never heard one say “You need to watch more Law and Order reruns and drink Coke.” Show me that doctor and I will show you someone with a medical degree from “Mail-a-med” online medical school.
Still I wish the nurse would call up and say “Mr. Torrell the doctor is concerned that you do not eat enough candy and Kentucky Fried Chicken. It is suggested that you eat a pack of Oreos a day at the very least and have KFC more often. Next year we will run these tests again and we want at least a 12% increase of ‘Finger licking goodness cells’ in your blood sugar, or we will be forced to give you a prescription for it.”
Hey let me dream would ya, now I am off to do some push-ups.

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Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Hey, no news is good news right?

Personally I can't stand fish, its the smell of it. Yuck!

I got a thing in the mail the other day to go get bloodwork at my doctor, but since I don't have coverage anymore, I don't think they'll test me for free.

Screw it, that's what I say.


- Neo

4:48 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Neo, usually no news is good news. Though an ounce of I know exactly how you feel, why do you think it's been 5 years since I had a physical.

As for fish, it depends on how you cook it also. The Gordon butter/pepper one is tolerable.

12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just make it and don't ask me if I want it. If it tastes good, I won't complain. I love lemon with my fish, and I know you are allergic, so that would be on concession you can give me.
I love you.

1:04 AM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Getting tested can clear questions n be a relief sometimes. I haven't done any recommended testings for over 4 years now... (no health-insurance). You're lucky to be able to.

Still - Watch out for those high-range diabetes/gloucose levels- that can happen anytime. My pal who was a tall, med-build dude suddenly got it at 40yrs , along with lactose intolerance after a life-time of junkfood n ice-cream every day. I have to watch out cause it's in my family too. I quit soda.

I wish they'd put KFC on a health-food diet (with the buttery biscuits) mmm!

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't recemmend you eating fish that looks green, Janus. Lol.
Aside from that, why not pick a day, and then have fish on that day every week?

You could mix the grapes into the oatmeal, to make it more interesting.


7:47 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Bella, That's fair enough. If I get a non lemony one, I will get a fresh one and wear the gloves.

Snaggle, I know what you mean, I just got health insurance for the first time in my life (and you can give credit for that with my lovely wife Bella.) When I had to worry about it all out of pocket, I wouldn't go to the doctor or hospital unless I thought it would be fatal to me not to.

I agree on the Colonel Diet, burn those trans fats away...extra crispy style.

Frodo, don't green fish.

I thought of having stuff on a certain day of the week, but my Aunt does that and she is nuts about her scheduale. I don't like doing things in an orderly way if I don't have I just figure I will try a fish dish every week at some point or so.

Grapes in Oatmeal...hmmm might try that.

6:00 PM  

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