Monday, January 29, 2007

And then another few days...

Don't worry I am not dead, this last week I have been slacking pretty bad even for me I must admit.

I got a stomach bug (again...sigh) so the last few days when I was not doing an appointment of some sort, I was in bed. I stayed home yesterday and got some rest (so my regulars that tell me to go to bed can rest assured, I did well even without some loving nagging.)

This does great for making me feel better, but not so great for blog readers.

Tonight when I get home I need to go back to bed after having a little bite to eat for tomorrow morning, so I feel very lazy even if this is what I am supposed to do. Other than my stomach feeling sour I feel pretty good, except I am always cold.

Ever been around one of those people that are always cold? My grandmother was like that. She could be sitting by a campfire built on the ledge of rock in a volcano and she would be looking for this huge knitted sweater to put on.

"It's just a little chilly in here."

Good thing for me when I take a nap I got my prehistoric electric blanket. That is the dog sleeping on my feet.

So bear with me, I will try to keep up a bit better this week when I am not sleeping.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you are sick Janus. Hope you get netter soon.

Now go to bed, and get some rest! lol.

Frodo :)

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of stomach bugs going around...and around.

Hope you feel better!

2:23 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks both of you, I shall try :)

I will go to bed when I get off of work.

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm always cold. I think Im a nice person but wow watch out when I feel cold, I hate winter.
Hope you are well soon Janus and get lotsa rest

5:17 AM  

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