Friday, January 26, 2007

A great few days

Well I did not keep up with my blogging and my writing as much as I would like, but it has been a good few days despite that. For those wondering why I am not online so much, don't worry I am not having trouble, I just am busy with offline stuff this week, despite having time off from Alpha.
Tuesday is still full with work in the morning, and then a busy night with a few activitys, and I already told you all about Thursday. Wednesday was Bella's day off and mine for that matter. So I didn't go online since we both were home for a bit. So that makes about 3 days of waiting if you do the math.
I am also going to bed earlier twice a week since I have to get up the next day at 6:00, and while I still am young and able to do a night on 5 hours of sleep, I have lost the ability to do all nighters and still keep my brain working. That is one thing I miss about my early 20's. I used to be able to stay awake for 2-3 days in a row and still be able to function. Now I have to stay healthy so that just doesn't fly.
So why was this week so good?
Well I got my paycheck finally worked out. That was a big plus. I am not going to be able to retire at the age of 40 with my check of course, but I at least know how much I am going to make now. So that's half the battle, still checking into tax related stuff to make sure I am doing everything right. (I wish the IRS webpage didn't require a lawyer to understand.)
Bella got her name changed so now I have an official Mrs. Torrell with the feds. That required us waiting in the social security office for a couple of hours to get it. The waiting room always has about 50 people in it at least, and you never know if one guy with 7 kids is going to get his card all at once or if you will have to wait while they take care of 50 people. They had a cute baby in there though, so at least I was amused.
I got 900 dollars taken off that bill from the hospital a few months back, due to my insurance. That was really good as well.
Things are looking up with the bank and that is finally clearing up. I am going to open my new account in about a week. (That is more exciting for me than it sounds.)
And I am going to the doctor in a week or two since I am insured again finally for the first time in about 7 years. Since it's been 5 years since I had a total check up I am going to do that.

Now you can see why it took so long to blog, this is all very good for me, but not so exciting to read.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good week Janus. It's good that your paycheck has been worked out, and it would be a nice surprise getting $900 taken off your medical bill.

I hope your checkup at the doctor goes fine. Fingers crossed.

Frodo :)

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats for all of these 'little' achievments. Sometimes we forget that they are the building blocks of life...

8:50 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thank you Frodo, that check up might have to wait a little but we will get 'er done.

Yes Patrick I agree, I am now learning all about the little steps. I tend to get more satisfaction with them and less overwhelmed than my leaping

11:23 AM  

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