Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Janus shines with his inner geek

Maybe it was because I read C.S. Lewis a little with Rob, but yesterday I said bittersweet quite a bit in my comments and my blog. Today I will try to use the word "Chocalicious" more.
Yesterday I mentioned getting back to my book, but to be truthful it is an altogether Chocalicious tale, so I will talk about that one later eh.
The last few days I have been a little more outgoing with the name Janus Torrell offline. I have a few reasons for this really 1) I am not really hiding from everyone anymore, now it just to keep me own name off the internet so I can write more freely. and 2) So people know that it is pronounced Jaynus and not Janice....Besides I end up using that email a lot more so I am not really secret with it.
"Janus (Jay-Nus) was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings, and endings. His most apparent remnant in modern culture is his namesake, the month of January." -Wikipedia. That sounds more impressive than perhaps that the name Janitor comes from my alias. Janus is also used by a lot of pop culture references, which if I were to cite here would make me look even more like a geek.
Now for another healthy dose of geekness.
Captain America is dead after 66 years of being in print. (Yahoo news only covers the important stuff.) He was apparently shot by a sniper leaving a courthouse in his last issue.
Captain America was created during a time of war to fight the forces of Hitler, and to keep spirits up in the US. Captain America stood for an ideal, wasn't afraid to fight, and even if he wanted to hide he couldn't. (Try hiding from anyone when you are dressed like a walking American Flag.)
I must admit I never have read Captain America in my life, and had to look everything up about him online today. From what I can read about him though, he died the way he would of wanted if he was real. He died working for what he believed in, and didn't die of old age in his faded glory nor did he die from cancer from wearing his spandex suit which probably killed many of his less famous fellow comic book characters like Animal Man, Dazzler, Black Condor and Dr. Bong.
Er. Yes, I did not make those up. I research with Google alright? So quit looking at me like that. Incidently unless Cheech and Chong reunite again, don't be looking for the Dr. Bong movie to be released anytime soon. (Actually I guess he is a guy dressed up like a giant bell....thus his name....but don't look for his Chocolicious memorial on yahoo anytime soon either.)

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Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Wow, that is a cool name meaning.

Don't feel weird. When I used to go to the strip club and they asked me my name I told them it was Neo.

Come to think of it, I do that alot with people I know I'll never see again. Even at the blog meetups.

You know what they say about weirdness.


- Neo

2:41 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

It's not too bad until you say lol to someone, then its time to take a break from the P.C.

3:52 PM  
Blogger a fractal cat said...

Cheech & Chong... Good heavens, the nights I spent roaring with laughter.... But that is another story.
Thank you for being Janus. A blog such as yours is worth a thousand of so many others. Honesty shines through and honesty is (I find) a rare commodity these days.
Also thanks for comments on my blog. I echo them... Indeed it was tears that made me post it in the first place. (I am a big softie in these things)
My good wishes to you and yours. Stay well and stay honest... You do it well.


4:10 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

I have the guilty pleasure of watching some Cheech and Chong too.

Thank you for the kind words and for visiting Cat, I will try to keep it real and

11:31 PM  

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