Thursday, April 05, 2007

The early morning summary post.

Watch how fast I can do this, my hands never leave the wrists!

The Janusmobile Still searching, and now I have a few options so that is not too bad. None of the options are 100% perfect of course because...well I just hate having to buy a car. So hopefully I will get some new wheels soon.
Court stuff I pleaded guilty and got court supervision rather than deal with an early morning trial and a chance to lose and not get court supervision. I would rather have a good driving record than be right. Doesn't mean it doesn't still irritate me though.
Alpha Class Starts up again next week, still looking for people to come and join us. I am getting the normal lame excuses...I am too busy, I got a lot going on, I live in Scotland..(just kidding really.) Still would love to have more people sign up, and looking forward to getting a new season rolling.
Janus goes to college? Yeah it is true, my wife and I are talking about me going back to college for some classes. I am leaning towards writing classes but still aprehensive since it has been about a decade since I went to college. We are postponing the college class until Friday night that way we can talk it over when I am not trying to sleep to go to work.
Extra work This one I am not as excited about, looking to find a way to get a few more hours. Car payments (see above) and home stuff needs to be done. But enough about that, that one isn't as fun to talk about.
Writers Block If you can't tell from my few and far spacing in between lately I have writers block, which is suicide for my prospects unless I shake it. Besides it being a beloved hobby, writing is what I hope to do for my vocation. The idea of having to run a drive through at a Taco Bell frightens me.
I will expand on these later and visit all of your blogs soon, I am still a bit under the weather and it has given me my attention span of a mentally challenged squirrel. Will talk soon.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay away from the cookie!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

but I want the cookie

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who knows - maybe tomorrow, you will see the perfect car. That would be nice.

The college thing sounds really good, and you enjoy writing. Why not just go for it!

*sends lots of Oreos and milk to Janus*

Take care.


2:51 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Writer's block? HA! I laugh in your general direction. I have just the opposite, I can't shut up! I'll send some of that energy your way.

Good luck with the car hunt.


- Neo

PS. Have a great easter!

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay away from the cookie! *turns on laser light to pull Janus away from cookie*

12:49 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks for the Oreos and Milk Frodo, and I think I will go for the class (classes?) I just have to decide which one or ones to take. A lot of good courses, and now that its been 10 years since school I appreciate them more but am a bit scared all the same.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Neo, send it my way! I actually have ideas, just problems formulating. Things seem to be getting better.

Thanks for the good luck, and have a happy easter too

2:29 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

*Follows laser light in circles

2:30 PM  

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