Thursday, March 22, 2007

Janus digging his way through the inbox.

Hopefully after the weekend sanity will return, but I doubt it. I have spent much of my free time getting prepared for this weekends trip. I don't think I could feel prepared enough if I had 3 more months, but we shall wing it.
Thursday thing is still running strong, though I have expanded a bit in my role. Which is good because I feel more useful, but means I have much more things to run around and keep up with. At least that one I am done at the end of the afternoon, and don't have to take home with me.
So whats next for Janus? Alpha. Starting April 11th, I am back with the Alpha program. This time I am going to be a helper, which at least isn't as much pressure as being a leader, so helping is nice. In the meantime I am helping getting the materials ready and attending meetings for the next few weeks.
I still have a few things to do on the side with my in-box but I am just trying to get things knocked down one at a time.
Next week I have a doctors appointment, the usual work schedule, an Alpha meeting, 5 articles or so in line for the other site, my Thursday becoming Friday for hours, and my nieces coming out for the weekend. So maybe next week will be more normal...but I am beginning to doubt it.
Sometimes I miss slacking off more.

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Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Make sure you squeeze in time for sleep someplace. ;)


- Neo

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Psst. Don't mention the S-word - he gets mad. lol)

You really are a busy bunny though, Janus. I hope the business trip goes fine at the weekend, and good luck at the doctor's next week.

Take care.

Frodo :)

9:33 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Don't make me turn this blog around and we will go straight home you two!

Weekend got derailed, but that will come tomorrow.

10:18 PM  

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