Thursday, October 05, 2006

and after every great day..this one comes.

Today was great too for the most part. Did my Thursday thing, and had an alright day working at home and getting ready for my interview tomorrow.
My sister called me this afternoon before I left and told me that a dear friend of the family died and that his service was on Saturday.
He was the stepfather of one of my childhood friends, and one of those guys that are rough around the edges but really wonderful in the heart. He was like a second father to me during my teenage years.
I really lost touch with him in the last 10 years and to hear this phone call was a shock to me. They still aren't sure what happened to him, a few months back he got hurt at work and got hit in the mouth with a cable. the injury gave him a small infection but it was soon beaten. He had been at home for a few months (normally he travelled) and was doing fine we thought. His daughter had just beaten cancer and the family had spent alot of money to treat her with chemotherapy (Good folks, but no insurance.)
After celebrating his 20th Anniversary, he went out to Nebraska to work and four days later he was in the hospital.
They said he was disoriented, he had a low grade fever, and though he looked fine to the eyes he complained of a headache. He lost conciousness soon after his wife drove out to be by his side, and never woke up. For a month he was in a coma in a hospital, the doctors said he got an accute infection, his brain was damaged. They told his wife that if he recovered he would not be the same person, would not be able to walk, and probably would never be able to speak again.
His wife called work to say that she would have to be Nebraska for a bit to take care of her husband. Her work told her that she used up all of her family leave time and if she didn't come back in 72 hours that she would lose her job. Her Husband's family begged and pleaded for her to hold on, but she knew that her husband was not only all but lost but he was in alot of pain.
So after a month of prayer and a month of debate, she had his plug removed and he died within an hour.
It has been over a month and she didn't tell anyone but her children. We found out from the paper. My sister called and asked her what was going on and wondered why she didn't say anything...why she didn't family lives 3 miles away from her and they would of been there in a heartbeat to take care of her.
My goodfriend's wife said she couldn't. She couldn't believe it herself, she couldn't face it, and she had been working 70 hours a week and tried to push the pain out of her life. Her daughter was the one that did the calls and the arrangements for this Saturday. She didn't have the strength for it.
I am sorry that this is not an uplifting thing to read, it was rather hellish for me to even write it. I did my routines today, I worked and chatted away (Lord did I chat away). It was a cross between getting out and recovering from the flu and wanting to push this from my mind. I can't push it away though. I needed to write this, I needed to have my little cry.
I've lost a few friends this last couple months, friends that were dear to me. While I wrote about my goals and Bible lessons that inspired me, I have been trying so hard to hold them back. I have not really broken down and cried when my employer and dear friend passed away, I did not break down and cry when I saw her family suffering even though I wanted to, but today I I broke.
My apology for the people I ran into today that couldn't figure out why I was so glib, strange, and talkative. I wasn't quite myself today, and I am kind of embarrassed that I let myself be seen like this. I am worried about my interview tomorrow...I am worried about finishing resumes which I hardly touched tonight...I didn't even make dinner. I just need to fall apart,

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your friend, Janus, and you have no reason to be embarassed. My heart goes out to you.

Good luck with your interview, I hope it goes fine.

Take care of yourself.


8:29 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

thanks both of ya, and with that I am off for the interview this morning

9:29 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

Man. What a slam that must have been. What a slam for the wife who must be going through only God-knows-what. I feel awful for her, but you did right by sharing the burden. God bless ya both.

11:28 AM  
Blogger a fractal cat said...

I was going to post a serious snippet that would get the brain into a gear more able to handle the revs of the neurons.
But I cannot.
All I can say is - I Know where you are at, and I Know it will heal.
Stay well Janus.

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me angry to see that her employer would fire her for not being at work when they know the situation, but it doesn't surprise me. It doesn't surprise me that she is working and not thinking or dealing with it.

I too, have seen a lot of loss lately and it sets one back. Things that shouldn't happen do, and it all just feels wrong... just wrong.

I hope the interview went well in spite of all the emotional turmoil you are in. Good luck, the future will be better.

God says he will restore all the years eaten by the locust and the cankerworm. He knows there are harvests we lost, had taken from us, our labor turned to loss. God remembers our losses too. When you seem to be empty, He restores you.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks everyone, my interview went well...and I got back from the service earlier. While I was late in replying, I felt all the prayers, well wishing, and thanks for all of you, even when I was computerless.

Thanks for visiting and commenting.


4:20 AM  

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