Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thanks, its not just for November.

Yesterday I went to the Alpha retreat, and let me tell you, even though I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, it was worth every minute of it. Though I must regret and say we didn't get to go outside and see God in nature, since nature was not being very Godly and it was really lousy between the snow and ice and all. We did fine indoors though, still had some time to reflect, and had good meals and great times together.
The message at church service was nice this evening, we discussed about the meaning of Christmas. Not in the "Ebeneezer Janus wakes up and feels like giving Jose a raise and buying a goose for his family" sense either.
Christmas is, of course, when you strip away all the displays and commerical stuff really about about Jesus Christ. Otherwise they would call it Santamas or Presentukuh. Of course it is hard to remember the meaning of Christmas with all the insanity this time of year.
Pastor Dave's message talked about people either trying to control the holiday and going nuts from trying so hard or people ignoring the holiday either and waiting for it to go away.
I would be the guy that is hiding under his bed until January. I will admit that I don't really think about Christmas any more than I have to. That is because all of it quite overwhelming, and that is usually why on Christmas Eve I am actually starting my gift shopping. You can see me at the mall or Walmart or so, trying to find out if my dad would like Yosemite Sam Mudflaps for Christmas, so I can can buy it and go home. If you are in Walmart and see a frustrated looking man in a black coat shopping, just say "HI JANUS." If it is me I will probably answer you back.
I am getting a bit off track though...
Since I am talking about overwhelming things let me spit out in Janus-layman terms what Christmas really is about. We all fall short of the glory of God, every one of us. God loves us so much that he makes himself a person, to be with us, show us how to live, and die (and rise again...very important you know that) so that we could be friends and forgiven with God.
Now I know that's probably not the best explanation, but even if my explanation is not very amazing, who Jesus is and what he did IS amazing. I have gotten some pretty neat gifts on Christmas over the years, but Jesus is the one that offers you friendship with God and adoption into God's family. Beats a G I Joe. any day.
So this Christmas season, which is only just beginning. Don't panic or hide, do somethings to help make the season a better experience for you, God, and probably even the people around you.
One of the things that Pastor Dave suggested that is a good idea is to read the Nativity story (poke around the book of Luke for starters.) Don't just gloss over it and skim through it, take the time to read it and pray on it while you read if you can. You may have new appreciation for the love of God. Don't read it like a short story you picked up in a store, remember that you are reading about God in flesh (human) existence.
The second thing that was mentioned that I think anyone could benefit from is to have a sense of thankfulness this season.
I know what some of you are saying...Janus, Thanksgiving was last should go to sleep, you are getting holidays confused again. Actually I am not. A reflection on the blessings you have can help you get through this crazy busy time of year.
When most people talk to God, they seem to only talk to him when they need something. While it is good (and important) to tell God the things you need, it's also good to tell him you love him (he likes hearing that, as much as anyone), and it is good to thank him for the blessings you receive. I may not know you that well or everything about you, but most of us if we think about it have some great things to be thankful for. (For example you either have a computer to read this blog which may be a blessing, or you may notice that today's blogging is almost done...which may also be a blessing.)
Share the things you are thankful to God and to others, it will bring meaning to this holiday. It will bring meaning to the one that this holiday is named for. It might make the time til January comes go a little faster at the very least.
Thanks for coming by.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christmas seems to get earlier every year - it's crazy.

I took my niece and nephew to see santa yesterday. The look on their faces as they sat on his knee was priceless. It was lovely to see that.

Glad you enjoyed the Alpha retreat.

Frodo :)

6:06 PM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Wow Janus! How terrific. However, do not expect me to be in Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve. Yowzah! That is asking for a beating.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks Frodo! I remember when my nieces used to sit on Santa, but now they think they are too old for it. My nephew just hides from the guy and wouldn't go near Santa without being dragged. The fake beard must be scary.

X-Ray, Don't worry I will try not to go to Walmart til about February. Unless I need something, I will just avoid it.

1:21 PM  

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