Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Shorty for Sept 15

I had a few posts worth of ideas today, but now that the day is almost over and I got things to do I got to put the cards on the table. I got nothing. At least nothing really big.
Nothing isn't all bad though, I did get some reading done today. I read "Carrie" from Stephen King, almost from cover to cover in one afternoon. Which made me realize that I had a pretty normal upbringing and school could of been much worse. It wasn't so much a horror novel to me as it was depressing. I realized how I have tried to forget most of my school days other than a few exceptions. Carrie makes me appreciate the fact that I survived high school relatively normal.
Of course what is relatively normal anyway?
Anyway, I will be back tomorrow, hopefully with something resembling more content. Thanks for visiting.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You read Carrie in one afternoon? Wow, that was fast. Glad you enjoyed it though. lol

I always think it is such a sad story.


11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so dissapointed. You mentioned nothing about midgets whatsoever!

12:59 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

When I get into a mode Frodo I can read a novel in about 4 hours. Carrie isn't really that long though, and it was more sad than scary to me.

2:30 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

I am fairly new to Stephen King, I read IT and the Shining. IT gave me the creeps and by the end of it though I was more frustrated than happy with the ending.

Shining I loved, though I had to leave shower curtains open for a while when I walked in. Which shows I liked his writing :)

2:32 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said... time I will pick a less misleading title...:P

2:33 AM  

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