Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Night of the Pumpkins

Welcome to the late night Janus Halloween/Intermission post, their will be no Janus tomorrow since I will be out of town. I hope you all had a good Halloween if celebrating Halloween is one of the things you do. I don't really do much for it anymore, because I get no tricker treaters and my nieces and nephews live to far away, but I like it when circumstances permit.
I am a bit apathetic this year, because I had no party to go to and 30 year old men generally shouldn't go trick or treating unless they are taking kids along, otherwise people tend to get nervous and check locks. I am even getting too old for the "my sister" is sick line, though I suppose I could say my daughter is ill and my wife is making me do this or something. (Yeah I know...lying is bad...now quit looking at me like that.) People don't know me well enough here to catch me on that, though, back in Bouncanville they would figure it out too fast.
Some people don't like Halloween because they think of it as a paganistic holiday, but I really just look at it as an excuse for people to wear costumes and mooch candy off people. Really what is evil and Satanic about a kid dressed up like Dora the Explorer?
My friend Jose wasn't allowed to trick or treat growing up because his parents told him it was evil, so he holds the record for being the oldest kid to trick or treat the first time. We took him when he was 22. Some Neighbors rolled their eyes, but when I told them why a bunch of guys in their twenties were trick or treating they were touched and usually gave us extra Milky Way bars. Jose was in heaven, this was back before we found out he was diabetic. We drove around and the four of us (I took two of my cousins too to share in our fogey trick or treating shame) went all over the place that year. We finished with about 7 plastic grocery bags worth of sugar that year. I guess we call it or local Make A Wish Foundation event.
After we went trick or treating until way later than is customary, we went out to the Rockford nightclub (Closest club to Boucanville.) Jose entered the costume contests and won 500 dollars for the scariest costume. (He was dressed up as a vampire, he called himself Count Hispanicula on the registration form.) Needless to say we spent that money like good stewards, and we recycled all the bottles when we were finished. (I told ya, we were in our early twenties.)
So now for a few random thoughts on Halloween before I go to bed.
1. I don't find Halloween really evil or that scary, but I try to keep a light side on it anyway. I never really go as anything scary (at least not intentionally...me dressing up as an old woman is scary for different reasons.) Normally I make myself elderly, do clowns (not scary clowns, but friendly approachable clowns), or go as a hobo or something. One year I combined my elderly costume and the dirty hobo costume and made myself a dirty old man. Well anyway, yeah just make it fun. It's only as evil as ya make it.
2. Pumpkin carving is pretty cool, I love the salt and bake the seeds up. I admit though my pumpkin carving skills are rather...er lousy. I tried to do a really cool pumpkin one year and everyone thought my pumpkin was made by my non existant 4 year old daughter that was too sick to trick or treat. They are just that bad.
3. Does anyone bob for apples anymore? I tried it once and found it really stupid. Let's see if we can give everyone in the party my cold. Just buy a stupid apple and eat it.
4. I inspect the candy, and I don't eat the stuff that isn't properly wrapped. But short of commericals and email forwards has anyone ever heard of a "real" person that got poisoned or found razor blades in their apples. I would imagine even if someone did want to harm children this would be kind of stupid since kids and parents would probably remember the guy that handed them razor filled apples in retrospect. What is the guy going to do, say that it was his identical twin that decided to break into his house to give out tampered candy?
5. and finally, I realize that trick or treating is kind of stupid when you get to my point in life, because I can go to Walgreens, pick up all about 20 lbs of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups tomorrow when they go on clearance and I don't have to walk about 300 square miles to get that much candy.

See ya Thursday. Be good! Be Safe...Save me some Reeses!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can just imagine a 30-year old Janus and friends, dressing up and knocking on doors asking for sweeties. *shudders* (hehehe).

Here, have some Reeses. *holds out a bowl of Reeses for Janus. :)


9:50 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

thank ya Frodo, I love them Peanut Butter cups...it goes right up there with Oreos.

It is scary when we go out, when we went to a costume party oneyear we stopped to get pizza. So into this bar walks a Army officer, a fireman, and a cop (since it wasn't Halloween but the week before) we got friendly nods from Vinnie (Maybe he thought we were doing something for a memorial or something.) That's when Boone comes in dressed as the Grim Reaper. Vinnie jumped, because Boone's costume was pretty good and he is a quiet guy. Boone just walks up and asks in a raspy voice..."do you have a smoking section?"

10:02 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

Our small band of 12 yo punks (so we thought) suddenly decided to go trick or treating one warm summer night, just to annoy some of the neighbors.

Turned out, they were more than pleased to be surprised by us and our unexpected event, and all went to find something to cheerfully give to the strange little beggers.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

My parents had one trick or treater...ONE. I think adults should go trick or treating these days otherwise everyone will get fat off their own fun sized Snickers bars.

When I was little they had dozens of kids in our neighborhood, some things do get worse with time.

12:36 PM  

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