Thursday, July 19, 2007

A year already?

We got done on time today for my Thursday thing so I said goodbye to my friend and supervisor as she was going on vacation for 2 weeks. She is going to Disneyworld!
Today was also exactly the one year anniversary when I started the Thursday thing. Back when I was wondering where I was going and I asked where I could do something. I was only going to help out on Thursdays until I found a job and then I would leave and do my own thing.
Well I got my job last October, but I am still doing my Thursday thing.
Truth is, I love it. The couple weeks when I couldn't do it, I felt something missing. So I planned it around my job so I could continue.
I get satisfaction from working with something with visible results, I enjoy working with wonderful people that are living with a purpose, and have met some wonderful folks through my Thursday "Temporary thing."
While my supervisor is gone for the next few weeks I am going to be stepping up to run the machines on my own. I am a bit nervous but excited.

I know it's weird being excited about that, but I am not exactly Mr. Wild anymore.

Warning to temporary thing seekers, be sure you don't like what your doing or you will never leave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romans 8:28

12:49 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

I hear ya

11:10 PM  

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