Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Janus finishes school today..for now.

I finished class today with my first "A" since World History in High School. Yay me!

I am kind of relieved that it is over at least for a while, since I loved it but I stress things more when I know that grades are important.
Well important to me at least. I don't want to take a course and do second rate job. So acing the class gave me a great sense of satisfaction. I am actually more fanatical and picky with my standards when it comes to school. (Something that never used to bother me.) Last night my wife Bella and I were up late finishing up my two assignments for today, and that made me look forward to the vacation.
Yet today when I got the affirmation from my classmates telling me that I should send things into publishing and people that were gone last week asking to see my assignment so they can read it...well that makes me feel good. My Mom was always a great fan of mine, but she is a bit biased towards me. To have peers and other writers give me such honor really feels great.
So when I was complimented and felt a bit embarrassed I said "Thank you for the affirmation" and let them know what stuff they wrote that I liked. Thanks to Troy for teaching me the "Thanks for the affirmation" answer at our last coffee. I don't know how to take compliments well at times. I like them better than insults though, so I better learn to get them.
So what's next for Janus? (I always get asked...What's next.)
Well I got plenty of books and website material to work on, so no rest for the wicked.
I am also going to see what classes to maybe take in the fall.

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Blogger Ned said...

Congratulations on your A!

Now you're one of those geeky, nerdy, smart people. ;)

7:22 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Cgrats! I agree, it helps when you get some appreciation for the hard work. It makes all the difference in the world.


- Neo

9:40 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks Rollo...I think :)

Neo, oh yeah makes a big change to care about school this time.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Janus. You deserved to get that 'A'. Can you post it here at all? *hopes*

Now that the classes are finished, you are supposed to RELAX a bit. Lol

Anyway, take care.

Frodo :)

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! School is out! Now I can fill up your inbox!

12:40 PM  

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