Saturday, June 23, 2007

Karl takes overkill to a new level.

Now for something that isn't related about school...the following is a typed transcript of all call between my co-worker and friend Karl and I from yesterday. (We both were tired, that's all I can say...) This is me requesting that Karl hunt some game animals so Jose can cook them for an event.

Janus: Karl, you got a moment, (makes small talk about family, work, and stuff for a few minutes...then cuts to specifics.)
Karl, Jose needs a rabbit to cook for our Spring lineup. So anytime between now and April if you could acquire one would be spiffy?
Karl: Wild or Cage?
Janus: Well wild preferably, but if we have to we can use a caged one.
Karl: November is rabbit season will that be alright?
Janus: Yeah...that's before next April, that will be good.
Karl: Alright I can get ten to twelve of them about the second week of Nove-
Janus: Maybe it's the static...I only need one. Maybe two. You don't have to get me a dozen rabbits. We have to eat it when Jose is done, and twelve might be a bit excessive.
Karl: More like Eight?
Janus: Two...Two at the most alright, and that is only because Jose might accidentally catch the other one on fire. I need two rabbits Karl, you don't have to decimate the entire woodland population.
Karl: It's just that getting twelve is just about as easy as getting one...
Janus (Sound of head smacking against wall) fine, you can get twelve of them if that is what you want, we will invite the entire town over for lunch. Just be sure you get at least one. Can you show Jose how to cook it, since he hasn't tried rabbit yet?
Karl: yeah, so in November do you want to help me shoot the rabbits.
Janus: I'm not so good at that.
Karl: You're a better shot than me.
Janus: Yeah but that is against non-living things like cans, bottles, and snakes.
Karl: Snakes are living things.
Janus: Yeah but they aren't cute like rabbits and they all deserve to die and burn in hell so it is easier for me shoot them. Mind if I sit the rabbit hunting out?
Karl: No problem, anything else you want me to shoot while we are thinking about it.
Janus: I could go for some Deer sausage I suppose, and if they are in season I have a telemarketer that you can hunt that calls every Wednesday...
Karl (Pauses for a minute): I will work on that. Well I will get back to you after the weekend. Got to get back to work.
Janus: Yeah me too, talk to you later.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... how many rabbits do you want? lol

Frodo :)

8:28 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

one or two, that's it! any more than that and I have to start giving them away. Want one Frodo?

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm, fried rabbit!!!


1:31 PM  
Blogger Neo said...


8:09 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Ok, Neo wants one too! I guess we'll go for four. That will make Karl happy.

1:48 PM  
Blogger a fractal cat said...

What a wonderful word! I like spiffy. Maybe in Karl-talk spiffy is a round dozen?
Oh, I could go with some sausage meat from the deer...


7:30 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Spiffy means a whole bunch. Deer sausage is good, you should try Karl's venison jerky

9:46 PM  

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