Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It's been one week since you looked at me.

Has it been a week? (looks) Wow! It has.

I don't be meaning to neglecting my public duty, a week went by way too quickly. My first assignment is due in tomorrow and I got it done a record two days before it was due. Normally I am up the night before in a panic going"...I got to think of something to write...aghhhhh!" It is amazing how something you can normally do without any concern becomes a stressful chore when you are getting graded (or paid) for it.

I would share it with you but its a biography of my Grandfather and it's pretty long, pretty serious, and if I change all the names and places mentioned in that story it would not just confuse you, it would confuse me. Janus with 3 hours of sleep is not very good at that.

Editing and proofreading was done by wonderful wife Bella who is really got at catching Janusisms that look awkward (like the word Janusism and my run on sentences from hell.)

Anyway, good to see you all.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't correct all your Janusisms, because then the writing would suck.--Bella

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you did your homework with 2 days to spare? I think you should have some milk and oreos as a reward. lol

Hope you enjoy Week 2 just as much. :)

Take care


5:03 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Janus - I think I had Janusrhea once. Man that wasn't fun. *wink*

Hope you get an A.


- Neo

6:08 PM  
Blogger a fractal cat said...

See? Piece of cake.
Knew you would be ok.
Keep your spirit up. Or else I will have to go elsewhere to make make comments!
You are OK.
Good words spoken and good words used.


7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still got the rug burns on both my knees--

12:46 PM  
Blogger a fractal cat said...

I just realised... The title of this piece is from a song by Bare Naked Ladies song called - One Week.
Just thought I would mention


4:17 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Bella, Thank ya darling. I tend to go back to my Janusisms even when I try to avoid it. Its embedded in my thinking at this point.

I will be accepting Oreos Frodo, Rumor has it I might finish my next assignment with 3 days to spare :)

Neo, they have stuff for that now. Still it makes you a bit woozy. Thanks for the well wishes :)

Fractal, thank you..and yeah you have to watch out for those Songs, I occasionally take a line or title of a song and put it in either accidently or on purpose. I throw in the occasional Journey song too. I am tempted to offer a prize for people that catch it and comment on that.

I see someone anonymous caught that pretty good too, which means that is probably my wife, Bella "Wonderwall" Torrell whom I can count on to catch me with song lyrics and correct them if they are wrong. She can't win a prize though, because that would be biased. :)

4:01 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Kissing butt for the grade is tough!

The last time I was accused of run-on-sentencing, I very artfully wrote a 250 word sentence as my next assignment, (not asked for) n the prof gave me EC "A"!!

I've never had a proof-reader. I just wait 24 hours without looking at it, then edit away- a tip I got that works from Steven King, On Writing.

1:12 AM  

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