Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Quick Janus Update

Hi everyone.

Class went great, I did much better than I thought I would. Apparently I am not as inexperienced as I thought I would be and people are not as critical of my writing as I am. Which is normally true with writing, if you think it is awful and they will all hate it, they usually like it. If you think it is great and will do well, they usually hate it. So good tip for writing, Hate it and want to throw it away. You will write a best seller in no time.

I am sorry to be absent a lot not just from my own blog but from yours, I am trying to catch up. Life just gets a little crazy at times. Work hours increased a little, more double days and no computer at work. I also am working on my next piece for Wednesday, and I think I got it. It is called "Communication" and it is meant to be a little snippy and not too serious, since my last writing was a bit serious and sad. I might post it up, or cut it into pieces for you over a few days if it is a bit long.

So 3 days before class it might be done, which will be a record. Talk to you all soon.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Janus! I knew you would do well, you are too hard on yourself. :)

It would be nice to read your 'Communication' piece, and I hope you DO post it.

Take care.

Frodo :)

6:29 PM  
Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Like riding a bike eh?


- Neo

10:33 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Expect the post soonish Frodo

and yeah Neo I suppose, though sometimes it feels more like a car. That trying new bounds thing.

11:29 PM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

My writing always gets tweaked until the very last moment.
hope all your assignments go this smoothly!
I know it's tough to do all the rounds n catch-ups when the day off is spent busy also!

Good Luck!

1:20 AM  

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