Thursday, January 24, 2008

Janus and public speaking

Years ago (I never thought I would admit to this) I used to take communications classes and wanted to be a great public speaker.

That might have worked if I actually liked talking to a large group of people. As hard as it may be to believe (cough cough) I am not that outgoing and exciting. I even bore myself at times.
So I have learned a few important things the last few years.

If I speak on stage I need a podium. If I don't have something to hold on to, I tend to pace or do this kind of swaying around thing like a cobra with a beard. In high school I made a few people dizzy and gave a freshman a seizure from watching me give a speech. So I either have to sit down or hold on to something.

I am not always a good listener. I do have a hearing problem at times and sometimes people have repeat themselves and speak louder. This is embarrassing and makes talking a bit challenging, because most people think I am not listening. I am actually trying to listen, I just can't hear and they talk to0 fast to read lips.

I either am too quiet or too loud. Voice modulation, probably because of my bad hearing. I also tend to get hyper and talk too fast as I go. Which makes my voice get even louder.

I get jumbled if I am not prepared. I change my accents around, I say things backwards, pronounce things wrong, or just say the wrong word altogether.

So bottom line I probably shouldn't run for public office or ask for a stage job. People say if I practice I will get better at it, I figure I will practice at home for a few more years before I try it again.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public speaking? EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!

*runs away*

The thought of standing up and speaking in front of other people scares me to death. Lol.


3:04 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Kinda sorta the same with me

12:08 AM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Your writing voice is modulated perfectly!
I like that cobra with a beard visual!

I've given several presentations, dissertations, lectures, n speeches. In the day I did HS plays n took public speaking in junior high. I've peformed music on many occassions.

My last speech infront of several hundred was to accept an award from Girl Scouts of America on behalf of my deceased mother! Pics n article too... Oh boy!

3:56 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

lol thanks, I work really hard to modulate my writing voice.

Sounds like I need to get some Public speaking lessons from you.

1:45 AM  

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