Sunday, August 27, 2006

trying to unwind.

Been working today, and didn't really have time to get anything written here tonight.

Tomorrow I am going to try to pace myself a little better. Trying to wind down for the night, I don't know what people do to unwind. I can't write to unwind, my writing is what wound me up.
Maybe I should try chopping lumber. The neighbors might be pissed if I chop down a tree in the yard though.

President of the association might not be too happy either.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you want to unwind Janus?

Try reading a book, listing to some music, or playing a computer game.

Or have you tried meditation? I find that it helps me to relax.

OR, you could chop down a tree. Just make sure it falls the right way, and doesn't land on your house. lol


10:23 AM  
Blogger Harry said...

I hate having to write. I hate the whole process. I hate going back and reading what I first wrote. I hate correction after correction after correction. I hate to struggle. I hate using the word hate.

A beer and a bag of jelly beans should legally alter my mood and help me relax. I would blog about it, but I imagine the hate-mail I would get.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

music,books, and computer games are good for getting me to think usually. I need something to turn my brain off.

Beer and Jelly beans is alright, I write bad stuff like this and usually only get one hate letter a week


4:43 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Tonight I need to not think.

7:04 PM  

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