Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Introducing Eric Bramlett

Joining the links section today is Eric's Eddyifications.
I did a traditional Janus name drop on one of my previous postings (That would be "More Mindless Filler" if you want to look it up in the archive) and mentioned Eric B. as one of the two bloggers that I had been visiting.
In a non-traditional Janus fashion I have posted his real name...well since it's on his blog anyway. Eric is also non-traditional because he is a person I heard of in person first before running into him over the internet (which I have spent way too much time on since 1995.)
Eric is the Creative Arts Director at my church and also does some great standup comedy. Rather than me ramble on who he is though, just click the link and he can do a much better job explaining things than I can. (Try clicking "About me", unlike my "about me" section he actually puts stuff in his.)
He is a pretty regular updater, and his blogging is both entertaining but also can make you think. So give it a whirl and take a look.
If you already have the honor of reading Eric's blog and this isn't a big enough update for you, today we have a double feature and you can read the next post listed below.

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Blogger Angel Feathers Tickle Me said...

Love to all......

4:30 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Morning Angel Feathers, thanks for droppin in.

4:39 AM  

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