Sunday, September 23, 2007

Intimacy with God

As I said earlier you not only to bond and be close to other people but you need to do the same with God.

This is for the same reason you need intimacy with other people, you were made that way.

Blaise Pascal (a famous French dude) said (paraphrasing here) that we have a God shaped hole in the heart of every person. This is tough for some people people to believe but I have learned through my own experience that it is true.

Everyone tries to find a "god" to fill this hole. Some try the gods (or idols really) of money, fame, power, sex, drugs, material things, and even the god called noble causes. They will find though that no matter what they do or get they never truly satisfied by these things/

Success on your own will never be enough.

Now I am going to use my brother Ed again as an example. Ed is the most successful person I know (materially at least), which is why I use him a lot as an example. He is a hard worker and he earned his success honestly and I am proud of him for that.

Though he is successful though he is always feeling empty and hopes that his next achievement will give him the satisfaction he seeks. He does something even better the next time around..and the next. At the end of the day though he feels no closer than when he started.

So how big is a God shaped hole you ask?

Well God is infinitely larger than we can imagine. So I am going to give you a totally inadequete illustration to try to give you a visual. (Cue imagination music.)

On the top of this post you see a picture of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, 4-18 miles across (depending on where you are), and attains a depth of more than a mile. (For my metric readers that is 446 kilometers long, 6.4 to 24 kilometers wide, and 1.6 kilometers deep.) That is a pretty big canyon no matter who you ask.

I have visited this canyon three times in my life. On a business trip, on my honeymoon, and when my mom was 6 months pregnant with me (my view was obscured on that one.) I can tell you from experience that no picture can ever truly show you the Canyon. It is too large to fathom in a photograph.

Now, back to my example of filling a God shaped hole. Let us imagine filling the Grand Canyon with a gallon jug of kitty litter until it is full. Not counting the cost of kitty litter, gasoline, and chiropractor bills it is very much insane to imagine. Now imagine a God that is so huge that the Canyon is no more than a puny puddle on the ground.

Do you think another Mercedes would fill it? That is the futility of trying to fill your own needs.

My wife is wonderful and I have some great friends, but I know God is the only one that can fill that God shaped hole in me. No one else can fill it, and it isn't reasonable to even ask them to try. This is a hole that we all have. So how do you fill it?

You ask him to fill it, but be warned if you mean it he will answer. He is love and he is huge and sometimes that will scare you.

Good news is he loves you anyway so save yourself some time and a lot of kitty litter and ask without fear.

I asked and I can't imagine going back.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful and touching and full of very basic truth, so basic that people often have a hard time understanding it (people like to make things complicated, God simplifies). You have illuminated it wonderfully.

On a strictly bloggish note, liked the addition of pictures to the blog, and it was a good illustration for your post and your point.

Great post.

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, next time I should give you one of the pictures from our honeymoon to use...
I know you like piracy and all, but it also might be a chance to show off my photography.
After all, I cannot just fill that canyon with kitty litter, how unsatisfying is that?

--lol love Bella

10:57 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Beautifully written Janus.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thank you Andrea, I think we are afraid everything has to be complicated to be true, that might be to keep certain folks employed. Thanks for the kind words.

I wanted to a put a picture up but I haven't seen one that could ever show the overwhelming beauty of the canyon in a way that people would understand. Its one of those, you have to see it to believe it things.

Bella, sorry dear I could have asked for one of our honeymoon photos but it was just so easy to snag one from google. Next time I will show your Uber-ninja photography skills.

X ray, thank you.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Great explaination of a God-sized-hole. The pic was a good one, too. I agree with Xray!

12:49 AM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks Snag.

4:07 PM  

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