Sunday, December 17, 2006

Confessions of the crazy notebook guy.

Well I am still back, but today was a catch up day. My eyes were a little sore so I ended up spending most of my day going through some of my old notebooks and stuff in my drawer, since they don't give off light as much.

If you walked in off a search engine think you might know me in person but still aren't sure if I am the blogger that you grew up with or used to work with... this might help you to guess.

I am the crazy notebook guy.

I don't have all of them where I live, but at one time I kept the MEAD notebook making company in business in between two very long Back to School sales. Whenever I start a new project, usually one that I never finish, I get a new notebook.

Just for examples...
1. I got a notebook for a budget and that keeps track of bills.
2. I got a notebook that has some very bad sketches for ideas of things I would invent (I can't draw very well which keeps me from design.)
3. At least 4-6 ideas for a short story that I haven't done yet, scattered all over the notebook landscape. (Maybe more like 10 ideas... but this is all I can remember off the cuff.)
4. At least 5 novels in the making for a long time (perhaps forever if I don't do something about it)
5. I have 2 completed hand written childrens books that need to be typed up and sent to a publisher
6. I have over 102 article concepts for the other website that I haven't figured out what to do yet. (Either too hard to work with, needs visual, or just plain missing something)
7. I have partial game designs for a Horror Computer game, a few strategy games, and an Role Playing Game.
8. Plenty of to-do lists that never get done.
9. My notes on Exodus that I still did not give to Trish, though she asked for it and forgot about it by now.
10. A list of blog topics I should write if I have writers block (I should use that somedays) This I actually left on my nightstand and Bella got to see.
11. and Book keeping and Business plan for 3 small companys, which is still updated and awaits time for me to sit down and present it to the interested people...

Wow, and that's not everything either. That's just all I felt like confessing for unfinished work.

When I was in my early 20's I had well over over 200 notebooks. I lost track of how many I have any more, but I am sure I have at least 300. None of them focused or entirely filled in though.

Now you all know how truly great and wonderful Bella is for me.

Anyone else probably would of tied me to a stake, and burned me with my notebooks.

Especially since they basically become a dumping ground for my random thoughts. I randomly think a lot. of my many goals that I should do, is to go through these notebooks and combine my ideas that are here...or there. If I was organized I might really be able to do something of myself.

Well check that...Organized and less lazy.

The Inbox is getting full...the outbox is hardly touched. I got a lot of things to sift through, and I need to get some things to use.

So much to do, so little time, so little self discipline.

Tomorrow I shall work on it more, I better make dinner and get some sleep.

Thanks for visitin'.

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Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Don't feel bad, I have a large collection of paper scattered to the 4 winds, and like you I wonder if I'll ever do anything with all the wasted trees.

Like you I'd like to think that someday it'll all make sense.


- Neo

11:36 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Thanks for coming by Neo. We got to keep the lumber industry going somehow.

1:59 AM  
Blogger Neo said...

Janus - Hahahaha, hey someone has to do it right?

Thanks for the comment on JBI, stop by anytime. :>

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have as many file folders as you have notebooks. I think I am going to switch to notebooks--something more meaty about them even if I only write one or two sentences in each. Thanks for a really interesting post. Happy organizing.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Janus Torrell said...

Patrick The good thing is that you can color code your notebooks too. Not that I do this. I am not that organized....but that is an idea...hmm

Thanks for reading, and I hope your class went great tonight.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just don't touch any of my pens!
Love Bella

12:01 AM  

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